
Frequently Asked Questions

Shaagird is a not for profit registered organisation. It aims to provide education to the most marginalised children in our society through sponsorship by collaborating with different schools and madarsas. Shagird works on the principle dream of ‘Kulsum Sayani’ an inspirational pioneer worker in the field of literacy in India who gave the famous slogan “each one teach one”.The vision is to have a million mentors over the years so that a million kids would reap the benefits of education and skill development.

No. Shaagird does not come under FCRA and, therefore, receives money from Indian sponsors only.

Yes. Through Child Sponsorship, you are not only contributing towards the betterment of the child but towards the community and nation as a whole. By sponsoring a child’s education you are investing in their education, health, and overall development. In our experience, investing in children, their families, and their communities have proved to be the best way to impact sustained progress in the life of a child. As a child sponsor, you can see for yourself the lasting change that you are helping create in the child’s life and the impact your support has in their community.

Through your support, the child’s future education is sustained. They will now be able to live a healthy, protected, and empowered life. This sponsorship gives a chance to these children to have a happy and normal childhood.

We have various plans for sponsoring a child ranging from monthly to yearly. You can sponsor a child’s education for a month or for however years you wish to depending upon the plan you choose.

Yes. Accountability and transparency are two core values on which Shagird works. You will be provided with details about how and where your money is spent. You will also be provided with a quarterly progress report of your sponsored child.

No. Shaagird is an education-providing platform that works by curating a community of sponsors. It does not deal with adoption in any way

Yes, we do provide options for anonymous contributions.

No. We maintain high confidentiality about our sponsors’ information. Any information displayed on our website will be put by taking complete consent of the individual.

At Shaagird, we prioritize the safety and privacy of all our users, especially children. In adherence to The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2022, and our commitment to maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information, we have taken significant measures to safeguard the privacy of children on our website.

To ensure the safety and confidentiality of the children featured on our website, we have taken significant measures. We have obscured and changed the names of all the children in the photos displayed on our platform. This precautionary step has been taken to prevent the disclosure of any identifying information, adhering to the principles of privacy and data protection.

Shaagird is fully compliant with The Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2022, which sets strict guidelines for handling personal data, particularly regarding minors. Our policies and practices are designed to safeguard the confidentiality and security of children’s information at all times.

Shaagird is committed to continuously reviewing and improving our privacy policies and practices. We are dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest regulations and best practices to ensure the highest level of privacy protection for children.

The organization reaches out to children affected by communal violence, orphans, Rohingya Refugees, children doing Hifz, and others belonging to the marginalized sections. We aim to partner with schools, Madrasas, organizations, and individuals who are willing to sponsor the education of these children. All monetary support given goes completely towards the child’s education and all records are shared by the sponsor to maintain transparency and accountability.

Shaagird is a Muslim-led program that aims to provide education to the most marginalized sections of the society without any discrimination. No, it is not involved in any conversions.

We believe that education is the basic right of every individual and it must be accessible to everyone without any hindrance. Shaagird aims to remove these hindrances which make education inaccessible to the most downtrodden sessions of society. According to the Sacchar Committee report, education amongst Muslims was found to be the lowest due to a lack of access and opportunities. Thereby, naturally many beneficiaries of this program end up belonging to the Muslim community. In the current political and social scenario, the conditions of Muslims have worsened and therefore they require much greater support from the organisation.

We recognize that shelter and livelihood are two important things for sustenance. We have identified that the livelihood of most families is destroyed during communal violence. This leads them to stop investing in their children’s education to maintain and sustain themselves. Your sponsorship would help these children to have a chance at quality education.

Yes, you can visit your sponsored child but only with prior permission of the family and through communication with Shaagird.

All communications that you wish to have will be through Shaagird’s platform. You can either write to the child or meet him/her with permission of their families.

Absolutely! If you have the means and desire to support multiple children, you can sponsor more than one child through Shaagird. Each child will have their own individual sponsorship, allowing you to make a difference in the lives of multiple children and communities.

We aim to sponsor the education of a child. We therefore encourage all our sponsors to try and give the children their best and help them achieve their complete education.

At Shaagird, we understand the importance of trust and transparency when it comes to managing the funds you send. We have implemented several measures to ensure that your money is managed correctly and used for its intended purpose.

Shaagird stands for transparency and accountability. We are committed to using the funds we receive responsibly and efficiently to support the education and well-being of underprivileged children.

Additionally, we provide a unique channel that allows sponsors to directly communicate with their sponsored child through Shaagird’s platform.

To maintain the highest level of accountability, we have engaged an independent auditor who conducts regular audits of Shaagird’s accounts. This auditor is a qualified professional with expertise in financial auditing.

The independent auditor reviews Shaagird’s accounts, including income, expenses, and financial statements. They assess the accuracy, completeness, and transparency of our financial reporting. The audit process helps identify any discrepancies, irregularities, or areas that require improvement.

We adhere to the auditing standards and guidelines set forth by the relevant government authorities and regulatory bodies. The audit findings and recommendations are taken seriously, and any necessary corrective actions are promptly implemented to address any identified issues.

We will not divulge personal information to any other organisation or individual other than that necessary to transact, fulfill and or account for online donations that you have authorized. We will never share, trade or sell any donor personal information (such as email addresses, phone numbers,
mailing addresses etc.) with any third party unless the donor has explicitly given us the permission to do\ so. Exceptions to these are limited to sharing personal information to cooperate with law enforcement officials and transmitting personal information, such as credit card information, to online authorizers as required to process a transaction.

Shaagird will ensure that the funding commitment to the project continues even if you are unable to continue your sponsorship. Our organization works diligently to secure sponsors for all the children in need, and we will make every effort to find a suitable replacement sponsor for your child.

Absolutely! If your financial situation improves and you wish to resume your sponsorship, we would be delighted to have you back as a sponsor.

Unfortunately, once you cancel your sponsorship, you will no longer receive updates about the specific child you previously sponsored. However, you can always stay connected with our organization to receive general updates and news about our projects and the positive impact being made in the lives of children in need.

Yes, Shaagird assigns only one sponsor per sponsored child. When you choose to sponsor a child through our organization, you become their exclusive sponsor, providing them with the necessary support and resources they need.

While we understand the desire to meet your sponsored child in person, we have certain guidelines and policies in place to protect the well-being and privacy of the children. Depending on the specific program and location, in-person visits may or may not be possible. We recommend reaching out to our team to inquire about visitation options for your sponsored child.